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Message handling function. When some functions are called, you can specify a function for handing incoming notifications. In particular, it allows you to show the working process to the user. This handling function must have the following parameters.

func uint inetnotify_func (
   uint code,
   inetnotify ni


code Message code.
$NFYINET_ERRORAn error occurred. The code of the error can be got with the help of the inet_error function.
$NFYINET_CONNECTServer connection.
$NFYINET_SENDSending a request.
$NFYINET_POSTSending data.
$NFYINET_HEADProcessing the header. ni.param points to httpinfo.
$NFYINET_REDIRECTRequest redirection. ni.sparam contains the new URL.
$NFYINET_GETData is received. ni.param contains the total size of all data.
$NFYINET_PUTData is sent. ni.param contains the total size of all data.
$NFYINET_ENDThe connection is terminated.
$NFYFTP_RESPONSEResponse of the FTP server. The field ni.head contains it.
$NFYFTP_SENDCMDSending a command to the FTP server. The field ni.head contains it.
$NFYFTP_NOTPASVPassive mode with the FTP server is unavailable.
ni The variable of the inetnotify type with additional data.

Return value

The function must return 1 to continue working and 0 otherwise.

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