Data Access (SQL queries) Using ODBC. This library is applied for running SQL queries on a database using ODBC. The queries with parameters are not supported by the current version. Read ODBC description for more details. For using this library, it is required to specify the file odbc.g (from lib\odbc subfolder) with include command.
include : $"...\gentee\lib\odbc\odbc.g"
ODBC description | A brief description of ODBC library. |
odbc.connect | Create a database connection. |
odbc.disconnect | Disconnect from a database. |
odbc.geterror | Get the last error message. |
odbc.newquery | Create a new ODBC query. |
SQL query methods
odbcquery.active | Checks whether a result set exists after the SQL query execution. |
odbcquery.close | Close a result set. |
odbcquery.fieldbyname | Find a field based on a specified field name. |
odbcquery.first | Move the cursor to the first record in the result set. |
odbcquery.geterror | Get the last error message. |
odbcquery.getrecordcount | Get the total number of records in a result set. |
odbcquery.last | Move the cursor to the last record in the result set. |
odbcquery.moveby | Move the cursor to a position relative to its current position. |
odbcquery.next | Move the cursor to the next record in the result set. |
odbcquery.prior | Move the cursor to the prior record in the result set. |
odbcquery.run | SQL query execution. |
odbcquery.settimeout | Set query timeout. |
Field methods
odbcfield.getbuf | Gets the field's value as a value of the buf type (the binary data). |
odbcfield.getdatetime | Gets the field's value as a value of the datetime type. |
odbcfield.getdouble | Gets the field's value as a floating-point number. |
odbcfield.getindex | Gets the field index number. |
odbcfield.getint | Gets the field's value as an integer. |
odbcfield.getlong | Get the field's value as a number of the long type. |
odbcfield.getname | Gets a field's name. |
odbcfield.getnumeric | Gets the field's value as a fixed point number. |
odbcfield.getstr | Get the field's value as a string of the str type. |
odbcfield.gettype | Gets a type of the field's value. |
odbcfield.isnull | Determines if the field contains the NULL value. |