Date & Time
Functions for working with date and time.
datetime = datetime | Copying datatime structure. |
datetime += uint | Adding days to a date. |
datetime -= uint | Subtracting days from a date. |
datetime - datetime | Difference between two dates as days and time. |
datetime + datetime | Adding two dates as days and time. |
datetime == datetime | Comparison operations. |
datetime < datetime | Comparison operation. |
datetime > datetime | Comparison operation. |
abbrnameofday | Get the short name of a weekday in the user's language. |
days | The number of days between two dates. |
daysinmonth | The number of days in a month. |
firstdayofweek | Get the first day of a week for the user's locale. |
getdateformat | Get date in the specified format. |
getdatetime | Getting date and time as strings. |
gettimeformat | Get time in the specified format. |
isleapyear | Leap year check. |
nameofmonth | Get the name of a month in the user's language. |
datetime.dayofweek | Get the weekday. |
datetime.dayofyear | Get the number of a particular day in the year. |
datetime.fromstr | Convert string like SSMMHHDDMMYYYY to datetime structure. |
datetime.gettime | Getting the current date and time. |
datetime.getsystime | Getting the current system date and time. |
datetime.normalize | Normalizing a datetime structure. |
datetime.setdate | Specifying a date. |
datetime.tostr | Convert a datetime structure to string like SSMMHHDDMMYYYY. |
File time functions and operators
filetime = filetime | Copying filetime structure. |
filetime == filetime | Comparison operations. |
filetime < filetime | Comparison operation. |
filetime > filetime | Comparison operation. |
datetimetoftime | Converting date from datetime into filetime. |
ftimetodatetime | Converting date from filetime into datetime. |
getfiledatetime | Getting date and time as strings. |