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Getting an error code. The function returns the code of the last error. Codes greater than 10000 are codes of errors in the library WinSock 2 ( ws2_32.dll ).

func uint inet_error()

Return value

The code of the last error.

$ERRINET_DLLVERSIONUnsupported version of ws2_32.dll.
$ERRINET_HTTPDATANot HTTP data is received.
$ERRINET_USERBREAKThe process is interrupted by the user.
$ERRINET_OPENFILECannot open the file.
$ERRINET_WRITEFILECannot write the file.
$ERRINET_READFILECannot read the file.
$ERRFTP_RESPONSEThe wrong response of the server.
$ERRFTP_QUITThe wrong QUIT response of the server.
$ERRFTP_BADUSERThe bad user name.
$ERRFTP_BADPSWThe wrong password.

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