The structure for the using in gentee_compile function.
typedef struct
pubyte input;
uint flag;
pubyte libdirs;
pubyte include;
pubyte defargs;
pubyte output;
pvoid hthread;
uint result;
optimize opti;
} compileinfo, * pcompileinfo;
pubyte input;
uint flag;
pubyte libdirs;
pubyte include;
pubyte defargs;
pubyte output;
pvoid hthread;
uint result;
optimize opti;
} compileinfo, * pcompileinfo;
input | The Gentee filename. You can specify the Gentee source if the flag CMPL_SRC is defined. | ||||||||||||||||||||
flag | Compile flags.
| ||||||||||||||||||||
libdirs | Folders for searching files: name1 0 name2 0 ... 00. It may be NULL. | ||||||||||||||||||||
include | Include files: name1 0 name2 0 ... 00. These files will be compiled at the beginning of the compilation process. It may be NULL. | ||||||||||||||||||||
defargs | Define arguments: name1 0 name2 0 ... 00. You can specify additional macro definitions. For example, MYMODE = 10. In this case, you can use $MYMODE in the Gentee program. It may be NULL. | ||||||||||||||||||||
output | Ouput filename for GE. In default, .ge file is created in the same folder as .g main file. You can specify any path and name for the output bytecode file. You must specify CMPL_GE flag to create the bytecode file. | ||||||||||||||||||||
hthread | The result handle of the thread if you specified CMPL_THREAD | CMPL_NOWAIT. | ||||||||||||||||||||
result | Result of the program if it was executed. | ||||||||||||||||||||
opti | Optimize structure. It is used if flag CMPL_OPTIMIZE is defined. |
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