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Copying files and directories by mask.

func uint copyfiles (
   str src,
   str dir,
   uint flag,
   uint mode,
   uint process


src The names of mask of the files or directories being copied.
dir The directory where files will be copied.
flag The combination of search and copy flags.
$FIND_DIRSearch only for directories.
$FIND_FILESearch only for files.
$FIND_RECURSESearch in all subdirectories.
$COPYF_ROOverwrite files with the attribute read-only.
$COPYF_SAVEPATHKeep relative paths while copying files from subdirectories.
$COPYF_ASKPrompt before copying files already existing.
mode What to do if the file being copied already exists.
$COPY_NEWEROverwrite if newer.
$COPY_MODIFIEDOverwrite if modified.
proccess The identifier of the function handling messages. You can use &defcopyproc as a default process function.

Return value

The function returns 1 if the copy operation is successful, otherwise it returns 0.


This is a default process function for copyfiles. You can develop and use your own process function like it.

func uint defcopyproc (
   uint code,
   uint left,
   uint right


code The message code.
$COPYN_FOUNDThe object for copying is found.
$COPYN_NEWDIRA directory is created.
$COPYN_ERRDIRCannot create a directory.
$COPYN_ASKCopy request.
$COPYN_ERRFILEError while creating a file.
$COPYN_NEWFILEA file was created.
$COPYN_BEGINStart copying file.
$COPYN_PROCESSA file is being copied.
$COPYN_ENDCopying is over.
$COPYN_ERRWRITEError while writing a file.
left Additional parameter.
right Additional parameter.

Return value

You should return one of the following values:

$COPYR_BREAKBreak copying.
$COPYR_OVERWrite over.
$COPYR_OVERALLWrite over all files.
$COPYR_SKIPALLSkip all files.

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