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  1 <english language default type = keys>
  2    aboutver = Gentee Studio v2.6 Free Edition 
  3    caption = Gentee Studio
  4    helpchm = gentee.chm
  5    url = http://www.gentee.com
  6    urlpcopy1 = http://scriptcom.narod.ru
  7    pcopy1 = EXELink #0A9 2005 Alexander Pashkov
  8    email = info@gentee.com
  9    emailshell = mailto:info@gentee.com?Subject=Gentee
 11    about = About Gentee Studio
 12    apply = Apply
 13    autoindent = Auto indent mode
 14    backcolor = Background
 15    binary = Binary
 16    bold = Bold
 17    cancel = Cancel
 18    choosefile = Choose a file
 19    choosedir = Choose a folder
 20    cmdline = Command-line arguments
 21    coldel = Do you want to delete the color scheme?
 22    colors = Highlight colors
 23    colscheme = Color scheme:
 24    comment = Comment
 25    copyright = "Copyright #0A9 2004-2008 Gentee, Inc. All rights reserved.
 27 This program was developed with Gentee Programming Language #0A9 2004-2006 Gentee, Inc. All rights reserved."
 28    cppfiles = C/C++ files
 29    customize = Customize execution
 30    default = Default
 31    defbackc = Use the default background
 32    deffontc = Use the default font color
 33    delete = Delete
 34    dlgsettings = Program settings
 35    editor = Editor
 36    errexec = Cannot execute file '#tmp/name#'!
 37    errfind = Cannot find the string '#tmp/name#'.
 38    erropen = Cannot open file '#tmp/name#'!
 39    errtoobig = File '#tmp/name#' is too big!
 40    errwrite = Cannot write file '#tmp/name#'!
 41    filename = Filename
 42    filepanel = Open files panel
 43    find = Find
 44    fcase = Case sensitive
 45    fword = Whole words only
 46    fdirect = Direction
 47    fup = Up
 48    fdown = Down
 49    fbtn = Find next ( F3 )
 50    font = Font:
 51    fontcolor = Font Color
 52    fontsize = Font size:
 53    fwildcard = File wildcards:
 54    general = General
 55    gfiles = Gentee files
 56    goto = Go to
 57    glinepos = Line <Space> Pos <Enter>
 58    gtfiles = GT files
 59    gutter = Show gutter
 60    hexec = Execute the file with the associated application
 61    hhelp = Open the help file
 62    hnew = Open a new file
 63    hopenfiles = Select files to open
 64    hpdel = Delete the current item
 65    hpedit = Edit the current item
 66    hpnewi = Insert a new item
 67    hpnewf = Insert a new folder
 68    hprint = Print 
 69    hpsave = Save the project
 70    hsave = Save the current file
 71    hsaveall = Save all files
 72    hsettings = Program settings
 73    htmlfiles = HTML files
 74    hwinact = Activate the window [Enter]
 75    hwinclose = Close the window [Delete]
 76    hwindown = Move down the window [Shift-Ctrl-Down]
 77    hwinup = Move up the window [Shift-Ctrl-Up]
 78    identifier = Identifier
 79    inotfile = File '#tmp/name#' was not found!
 80    italic = Italic
 81    itstyles = Images only | Text only | Images and text
 82    keyword = Keyword
 83    linenum = Line numbers
 84    mabout = &About Gentee Studio...
 85    macro = Macro
 86    mainpanel = Main panel
 87    manager = &Manager...
 88    margin = Show margin
 89    marginpos = Margin position
 90    mclose = &Close
 91    mcloseall = Close A&ll
 92    mcustomize = &Customize...
 93    medit = &Edit
 94    mecut = Cu&t#009Ctrl+X
 95    mecopy = &Copy#009Ctrl+C
 96    mepaste = &Paste#009Ctrl+V
 97    meredo = &Redo#009Ctrl+Y
 98    meselall = Select A&ll#009Ctrl+A
 99    meundo = &Undo#009Ctrl+Z
100    mexec = &Shell execute
101    mexit = E&xit
102    mfile = &File
103    mfind = &Find...
104    mgoto = &Go to...
105    mhelp = &Help
106    mhtopic = &Help Topics
107    mlang = &Language
108    mlaunch = &Launch
109    mlinenum = &Line numbers
110    mlsaveall = Save &all files
111    mlsavecur = &Save active file
112    mnew = &New
113    mopensel = &Open...
114    moptimizer = &Optimizer
115    moptions = &Options
116    mopen = O&pen#009Enter
117    mpadd = &Add To Project...
118    mpdup = D&uplicate#009Ctrl+D
119    mpmovedwn = Move &Down#009Shift+Ctrl+Down
120    mpmoveup = Move &Up#009Shift+Ctrl+Up
121    mpnewf = New &Folder...
122    mpnewi = New &Item...
123    mpremove = &Remove From Project#009Del
124    mpprop = &Properties...#009Space
125    mpsave = &Save Project
126    mprint = &Print...
127    mproject = &Project
128    mrepeat = &Repeat last command
129    mreplace = &Replace...
130    msave = &Save
131    msaveall = Save A&ll
132    msaveas = Save &As...
133    msettings = &Settings...
134    mspecchar = Whitespace display
135    mtoolhome = Toolkit &Home Page
136    mtoolkit = &Toolkit
137    mview = &View
138    mvpanel = &Main Panel
139    mvfpanel = &Files Panel
140    mvwrap = &Word Wrap
141    mwindow = &Window
142    mwfour = &Four Panels
143    mwone = &One Panel
144    mwprev = &Previous
145    mwthree = T&hree Panels
146    mwtwo = &Two Panels
147    mwww = Gentee &Home Page
148    name = Name
149    new = New
150    number = Number
151    ok = OK
152    operator = Operator
153    panels = Panels
154    parentfld = Parent folder
155    prjhnewi = New project item
156    prjhnewf = New project folder
157    prjhprop = Project properties
158    prjselect = Select the parent folder
159    prjtab = Project | My Computer | Window | Search
160    qfilesave = The file '#tmp/name#' was changed. Would you like to save it?
161    qprjdel = Do you really want to remove '#tmp/name#' from the project?
162    qprjsave = The project was changed. Would you like to save it?
163    replace = Replace
164    replaceall = Replace All
165    replacei = Replace in
166    replacew = Replace with
167    root = Root
168    rselect = Selection
169    rwhole = Whole file
170    savews = Save opened files on exit
171    selected = Selected
172    selfiles = Select file(s)
173    show = Show
174    space = Spaces
175    string = String
176    style = Style:
177    tabsize = Tab size:
178    tabspaces = Insert spaces instead of Tab
179    tagname = Tag name
180    tagattrib = Tag attribute
181    toolbarbtn = Toolbar button
182    underline = Underline
183    workdir = Working directory
184    wrap = Word wrap
185 </english>