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  1 define <export> {
  3   IMAGE_FORMAT_BMP       = 0
  4   IMAGE_FORMAT_JPG       = 1195724874
  5 }
  7 type Image          <inherit = GAPI_Object>:
  9 operator Image = (Image left right){
 10   left.id = right.id
 11   return left
 12 }
 14 method int Image.Catch(int Mem){
 15   this.id = Image_Catch(Mem)
 16   return this.id
 17 }
 18 method int Image.Catch(int Mem Length){
 19   this.id = Image_CatchEx(Mem,Length)
 20   return this.id
 21 }
 22 method Image Image.Dublicate(){
 23   Image i
 24   i.id = Image_Copy(this.id)
 25   return i
 26 }
 27 method int Image.Create(int Width Height){
 28   this.id = Image_Create(Width, Height, $IMAGE_DEPTH_AS_DESKTOP)
 29   return this.id
 30 }
 31 method int Image.Create(int Width Height Depth){
 32   this.id = Image_Create(Width, Height, Depth)
 33   return this.id
 34 }
 35 method Image.Free(){
 36   Image_Free(this.id)
 37 }
 38 property int Image.Depth{
 39   return Image_GetDepth(this.id)
 40 }
 41 property int Image.Width{
 42   return Image_GetWidth(this.id)
 43 }
 44 property Image.Width(int width){
 45   Image_Resize(this.id,width,Image_GetHeight(this.id))
 46 }
 47 property int Image.Height{
 48   return Image_GetHeight(this.id)
 49 }
 50 property Image.Height(int height){
 51   Image_Resize(this.id,Image_GetWidth(this.id),height)
 52 }
 53 property int Image.Exist{
 54   return Image_Exist(this.id)
 55 }
 56 method Image.Grab(Image Source, int x y){
 57   if this.Exist : this.Free() :
 58   this.id = Image_Grab(Source.id,x,y,Source.Width,Source.Height)
 59 }
 60 method Image.Grab(Image Source, int x y width){
 61   if this.Exist : this.Free() :
 62   this.id = Image_Grab(Source.id,x,y,width,Source.Height)
 63 }
 64 method Image.Grab(Image Source, int x y width height){
 65   if this.Exist : this.Free() :
 66   this.id = Image_Grab(Source.id,x,y,width,height)
 67 }
 68 property int Image.Handle{
 69   return Image_GetHandle(this.id)
 70 }
 71 property int Image.Canvas{
 72   return Image_GetOutput(this.id)
 73 }
 74 method Image.Load(str FileName){
 75   this.id = Image_Load(FileName.ptr())
 76 }
 77 method Image.Load(str FileName,int Flags){
 78   this.id = Image_LoadEx(FileName.ptr(),Flags)
 79 }
 80 method Image.Resize(int width height){
 81   Image_Resize(this.id,width,height)
 82 }
 83 method int Image.Save(str FileName, int Format){
 84   return Image_Save(this.id,FileName.ptr(),Format,10)
 85 }
 86 method int Image.SaveBMP(str FileName){
 87   return Image_Save(this.id,FileName.ptr(),$IMAGE_FORMAT_BMP,0)
 88 }
 89 method int Image.SaveJPG(str FileName){
 90   return Image_Save(this.id,FileName.ptr(),$IMAGE_FORMAT_JPG,10)
 91 }
 92 method int Image.SaveJPG(str FileName, int Quality){
 93   return Image_Save(this.id,FileName.ptr(),$IMAGE_FORMAT_JPG,Quality)
 94 }
 95 method Image.DrawAlpha(int x y){
 96   g2d_DrawAlphaImage(this.Handle,x,y)
 97 }
 98 method Image.Draw(int x y){
 99   g2d_DrawImage(this.Handle,x,y,this.Width,this.Height)
100 }
101 method Image.Draw(int x y width height){
102   g2d_DrawImage(this.Handle,x,y,width,height)
103 }