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  1 /******************************************************************************
  2 *
  3 * Copyright (C) 2006, The Gentee Group. All rights reserved. 
  4 * This file is part of the Gentee open source project - http://www.gentee.com. 
  5 * 
  9 *
 10 * ID: lex 18.10.06 0.0.A.
 11 *
 12 * Author: Alexey Krivonogov ( gentee )
 13 *
 14 ******************************************************************************/
 16 #include "lex.h"
 17 #include "lextbl.h"
 18 //! temporary
 19 #include "../os/user/defines.h"
 21 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 23 uint  STDCALL gentee_lexptr( pubyte in, plex pl, parr output )
 24 {
 25    plexitem pli, pn;
 26    plexexp  pexp = 0;
 27    uint     pos, i, posoff = 0;
 28 //   pubyte   in = buf_ptr( input );               // Входящий буфер
 29    puint    pmain = ( puint )buf_ptr( &pl->tbl );
 30    puint    ptbl = pmain;   // текущая строка разбора
 31    uint     cur = 0;    // Номер текущего разбираемого символа
 33    uint     newstate, cmd, nameoff, len;
 34    uint     flag, val, keyword = 0, istext = 0;
 35    lextry   ltry;
 36    uint     sn_pos, sn_len = 0;
 37    uint     isnew = 0;
 38    uint     pair = 0;
 40    arr_clear( &pl->state );
 41    arr_clear( &pl->expr );
 42    arr_clear( &pl->litems );
 43    arr_clear( &pl->mitems );
 44    pl->imulti = 0;
 45 //   arr_appendnum( &pl->state, 0 );
 46    do 
 47    {
 48       val = ptbl[ in[ cur ]];   // Получаем новое состояние
 49 rettry:
 50 //      printf("val=%x %c cur=%i li=%i\n", val, in[cur], cur, arr_count( &pl->litems ));
 51       if ( pexp && ptbl == pmain )
 52       {
 53          if ( in[cur] == pexp->left )
 54             pexp->count++;
 55          if ( in[cur] == pexp->right )
 56          {
 57             if ( pexp->count )
 58                pexp->count--;
 59             else
 60             {
 61                val = ( pexp->state + 1 ) << 16;
 62                val |= LEXF_ITSTATE | LEXF_POS;
 63                arr_pop( &pl->expr );
 64                pexp = ( plexexp )arr_top( &pl->expr );
 65             }
 66          }
 67       }
 68       flag = val & 0xFFFF;
 69       if ( isnew )
 70       {
 71          flag |= LEXF_ITSTATE | LEXF_POS;
 72 //         isnew = 0;
 73       }
 74       if ( flag & LEXF_PAIR )
 75       {
 76          switch ( in[ cur ] )
 77          {
 78             case '[' :
 79                pair++;
 80                flag = 0;
 81                val = LEX_OK;
 82                break;
 83             case ']' :
 84                if ( pair )
 85                {
 86                   pair--;
 87                   val = LEX_OK;
 88                   flag = 0;
 89                }
 90                break;
 91          }
 92       }
 93       if ( flag & LEXF_MULTI )
 94       {
 95          uint  curm, count, k;
 96          plexmulti   pmulti;
 97          pubyte      pcmp;
 99          curm = val >> 24;
100          count = (( val >> 16 ) & 0xff );
101          for ( i = 1; i <= count; i++ )
102          {
103             pmulti = ( plexmulti )arr_ptr( &pl->mitems, curm * 8 + i );
104             pcmp = ( pubyte )&pmulti->chars;
105 //            printf( "CMP XXX %s ==% s len = %i\n", 
106 //                       pcmp, in + cur, pmulti->len );
107             for ( k = 1; k < pmulti->len; k++ )
108             {
109                if ( pcmp[k] != in[ cur + k ] )
110                   break;
111             }
112             if ( k == pmulti->len )
113             {
114                val = pmulti->value;
115                pos = cur;
116                cur += pmulti->len - 1;
117                if ( val & LEXF_POS ) 
118                   posoff = pmulti->len - 1;
119 //               printf( "Multi XXX %i val=%x pos = %i len = %i\n", 
120 //                       cur, val, pos, pmulti->len );
121                goto rettry;
122             }
123          }
124          val = (( plexmulti )arr_ptr( &pl->mitems, curm * 8 ))->value;
125 //         printf("Ooops 1= %x\n", val );
126          goto rettry;
127       }
128       newstate = ( val >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
129       cmd = val & 0xFF000000;
130       if ( flag & LEXF_TRY ) 
131       {
132          ltry.pos = cur;
133 //         ltry.state = ((( pubyte )ptbl - buf_ptr( &pl->tbl )) >> 10 ) + 1;
134          ltry.ret = cmd >> 24;
135       }
136       if ( flag & LEXF_RET ) 
137       {
138 //         printf("Ret=%i\n", cur );
139          cur = ltry.pos;//arr_pop( &pl->itry );
140          val = *( puint )( buf_ptr( &pl->tbl ) + (( ltry.ret - 1 ) << 10 ) + 
141                            sizeof( uint ));
142 //         val &= ~LEXF_RET;
143          goto rettry;
144       }
146       if ( flag & LEXF_POS ) 
147       {
148          pos = cur - posoff;
149          posoff = 0;
150       }
151       if ( flag & LEXF_ITCMD || flag & LEXF_ITSTATE )
152       {  
153          if ( istext && in[cur] == 0xa )
154          {
155             newstate = 2;
156             istext = 0;
157          }
158          if ( keyword ) // Надо проверить предыдущую лексему на keyword 
159          {
160             ubyte  curch = in[ pli->pos + pli->len ];
162             keyword = 0;
163             in[ pli->pos + pli->len ] = 0;
164             pli->value = hash_getuint( &pl->keywords, in + pli->pos );
165 //            printf( ">%s< %i = %i\n", in + pli->pos, pli->len, pli->value );
166             if ( pli->value == 255 && 
167                *( puint )( in + pli->pos ) == 0x74786574 )// text for gentee
168             {
169                in[ pli->pos + pli->len ] = curch;
170                cur = pli->pos + pli->len;
171                istext = 1;
172                continue;
173             }
174             else
175                in[ pli->pos + pli->len ] = curch;
176          }
177          // Добавляем лексему
178          pli = arr_append( output );
179          pli->type = ( flag & LEXF_ITCMD ) ? cmd : ( val & 0xFF0000 );
180          pli->pos = pos;
181          if ( isnew )
182          {
183             pli->type =  (((( pubyte )ptbl - buf_ptr( &pl->tbl )) >> 10 ) + 1 ) << 16 ;
184 //            printf( "TYPE NEW = %i\n", pli->type );
185             isnew = 0;
186          }
187          pli->value = 0;
188          pli->len = cur - pos + 1;
189          if ( flag & LEXF_STAY )
190             pli->len--;
191          if ( flag & LEXF_VALUE )
192          {
193             for ( i = 0; i < pli->len; i++ )
194                pli->value |= in[ pos + i ] << ( i << 3 );
195          }
196          if ( flag & LEXF_KEYWORD )
197             keyword = 1;
198 //         printf("LEX_ITEM %i %i state=%x val=%x\n", pli->pos, pli->len, pli->type, val & 0xFF0000 );
199       }
200       switch ( cmd )
201       {
202          case LEX_STRNAME:
203             if ( sn_len )            
204             {
205                if ( mem_cmp( in + cur, in + sn_pos, sn_len ))
206                {
207                   cur++;
208                   continue;
209                }
210                sn_len = 0;
211             }
212             else
213             {
214                sn_pos = cur;
215                while ( in[ cur ] && in[cur] != ']' )
216                   cur++;
217                sn_len = cur - sn_pos + 1;
218 //               printf("STR_NAME %i %i\n", sn_pos, sn_len );
219                cur--;
220             }
221             break;
222          case LEX_EXPR:
223             pexp = ( plexexp )arr_append( &pl->expr );
224             pexp->left = in[cur];
225             pexp->right = in[cur] != '{' ? ')' : '}';
226             pexp->count = 0;
227             pexp->state = (( pubyte )ptbl - buf_ptr( &pl->tbl )) >> 10;
228          case LEX_OK: 
229             pli->len = cur - pli->pos + 1;//++;
230 //            printf("LEX_OK %i %i cur = %i c=%c\n", pli->pos, pli->len, cur, in[ cur ] );
231             break;
232          case LEX_GTNAME:
233             pn = ( plexitem )arr_ptr( output, arr_getlast( &pl->litems ));
234             nameoff = pn->pos + 1;
235             if ( in[ nameoff ] == '|' )
236                nameoff++;
237             if ( in[ nameoff ] == '*' )
238                nameoff++;
239             len = pn->len - ( nameoff - pn->pos );
241             for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
242             {
243                if ( in[ cur + i ] != in[ nameoff + i ])
244                   break;
245             }
246 //            printf("OK %i %c == %c\n", i, in[ cur + i], in[ nameoff + i ]);
248             if ( i == len && in[ cur + i ] == '>' )
249             {
250                cur += i;
251                continue;
252             }
253             else
254             {
255 //               cur++;
256          //      val = //ptbl[ 1 ];   
257                cur = ltry.pos;//arr_pop( &pl->itry );
258                val = *( puint )( buf_ptr( &pl->tbl ) + (( ltry.ret - 1 ) << 10 ) + 
259                            sizeof( uint ));
260 //               printf( "GTNAME=%i %x\n", cur, val );
261                goto rettry;
262             }
263             break;
264       }
265       if ( flag & LEXF_PUSHLI )
266       {
267          arr_appendnum( &pl->litems, arr_count( output ) - 1 );
268 //         printf("PUSHLI now = %i\n", arr_count( &pl->litems ));
269       }
270       if ( flag & LEXF_PUSH )
271       {
272 //            arr_appendnum( &pl->litems, arr_count( output ) - 1 );
273          i = (( pubyte )ptbl - buf_ptr( &pl->tbl )) >> 10;
274          arr_appendnum( &pl->state, i + 1 );
275 //         printf("PUSH newstate = %x now = %i first=%i\n", i + 1, 
276 //                arr_count( &pl->state ), *( puint )arr_ptr( &pl->state, 0 ));
277 //            if ( flag & LEXF_NAME )
278 //               arr_appendnum( &pl->litems, arr_count( output ) - 1 );
279       }
280       if ( flag & LEXF_POPLI )
281       {
282          arr_pop( &pl->litems );
283 //         printf("POPLI now = %i\n", arr_count( &pl->litems ));
284       }
285       if ( flag & LEXF_POP )// && !newstate )
286       {
287          uint l = arr_pop( &pl->state );
288          if ( !newstate )
289             newstate = l;
290          if ( flag & LEXF_NEW )
291          {
292             isnew = 1;
293 //            printf("NEW\n");
294 //         printf("POP newstate = %x remain = %i first=%i\n", newstate, 
295 //               arr_count( &pl->state ), *( puint )arr_ptr( &pl->state, 0 ));
296          }
297 //         printf("POP newstate = %x remain = %i first=%i\n", newstate, 
298 //               arr_count( &pl->state ), *( puint )arr_ptr( &pl->state, 0 ));
299       }
300       if ( newstate )
301          ptbl = ( puint )( buf_ptr( &pl->tbl ) + (( newstate - 1 ) << 10 ));
302       if ( !( flag & LEXF_STAY ))
303          cur++;
305    } while ( cmd != LEX_STOP );
307    return 1;
308 }
310 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 uint  STDCALL gentee_lex( pbuf input, plex pl, parr output )
313 {
314    return gentee_lexptr( buf_ptr( input ), pl, output );
315 }
317 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 plex  STDCALL lex_init( plex pl, puint ptbl )
320 {
321    if ( !pl )
322    {
323       pl = ( plex )mem_alloc( sizeof( lex ));
324       pl->alloced = 1;
325    }
326    else 
327       pl->alloced = 0;
329    buf_init( &pl->tbl );
330    arr_init( &pl->state, sizeof( uint ));
331    arr_init( &pl->litems, sizeof( uint ));
332    arr_init( &pl->mitems, sizeof( lexmulti ));
333    arr_appenditems( &pl->mitems, 64 * 8 );
334    pl->imulti = 0;
335    hash_init( &pl->keywords, sizeof( uint ));
336    arr_init( &pl->expr, sizeof( lexexp ));
338    if ( ptbl )
339       lex_tbl( pl, ptbl );
340    return pl;
341 }
343 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 void  STDCALL lex_delete( plex pl )
346 {
347    buf_delete( &pl->tbl );
348    arr_delete( &pl->state );
349    arr_delete( &pl->litems );
350    arr_delete( &pl->mitems );
351    arr_delete( &pl->expr );
352    hash_delete( &pl->keywords );
353    if ( pl->alloced )
354       mem_free( pl );
355 }