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  1 /******************************************************************************
  2 *
  3 * Copyright (C) 2006, The Gentee Group. All rights reserved. 
  4 * This file is part of the Gentee open source project - http://www.gentee.com. 
  5 * 
  9 *
 10 * ID: compinit 18.10.06 0.0.A.
 11 *
 12 * Author: Alexey Krivonogov ( gentee )
 13 *
 14 * Conributors: santy
 15 * Summary: 
 16 * 
 17 ******************************************************************************/
 19 #include "compinit.h"
 20 #include "../vm/vm.h"
 21 #include "../vm/vmload.h"
 22 #include "../vm/vmmanage.h"
 24 uint    _compinit = 0;   
 25 uint    _lexlist[ OPERCOUNT ];
 27 typedef struct
 28 {
 29    ubyte   left;     // Type of the left operand
 30    ubyte   right;    // Type of the right operand
 31    ubyte   ret;      // Type of the result
 32 } oppar, * poppar;
 34 // Структура описания встроенных операций
 35 typedef struct
 36 {
 37    ubyte   oper;     // Oparation
 38    ubyte   bc;       // stack byte code
 39 } oper, * poper;
 41 enum
 42 {  // left_right_result 
 43    B_I_I = 0,
 44    B_0_I,
 45    UB_UI_UI,
 46    UB_0_UI,
 47    S_I_I,
 48    S_0_I,
 49    US_UI_UI,
 50    US_0_UI,
 51    UI_UI_UI,
 52    UI_0_UI,
 53    UI_0_I,
 54    I_I_I,
 55    I_0_I,
 56    I_I_UI,
 57    UL_UL_UL,
 58    UL_0_UL,
 59    UL_UL_UI,
 60    UL_0_UI,
 61    UL_0_L,
 62    L_L_L,
 63    L_0_L,
 64    L_L_UI,
 65    F_F_F,
 66    F_0_F,
 67    F_F_UI,
 68    F_0_UI,
 69    D_D_D,
 70    D_0_D,
 71    D_D_UI,
 72    D_0_UI,
 73    ST_ST_ST,
 74    ST_0_ST,
 75 };
 77 const oppar oppars[]={
 78    { TByte,  TInt, TInt },    // B_I_I
 79    { TByte,     0, TInt },    // B_0_I
 80    { TUbyte,    TUint, TUint },   // UB_UI_UI
 81    { TUbyte,        0, TUint },   // UB_0_UI
 82    { TShort,     TInt, TInt },    // T_I_I
 83    { TShort,        0, TInt },    // T_0_I
 84    { TUshort,   TUint, TUint },   // UT_UI_UI
 85    { TUshort,       0, TUint },   // UT_0_UI
 86    { TUint,     TUint, TUint },   // UI_UI_UI
 87    { TUint,         0, TUint },   // UI_0_UI
 88    { TUint,         0,  TInt },   // UI_0_I
 89    { TInt,       TInt,  TInt },   // I_I_I
 90    { TInt,          0,  TInt },   // I_0_I
 91    { TInt,       TInt, TUint },   // I_I_UI
 92    { TUlong,   TUlong, TUlong },   // UL_UL_UL
 93    { TUlong,        0, TUlong },   // UL_0_UL
 94    { TUlong,   TUlong,  TUint },   // UL_UL_UI
 95    { TUlong,        0,  TUint },   // UL_0_UI
 96    { TUlong,        0,  TLong },   // UL_0_L
 97    { TLong,     TLong,  TLong },   // L_L_L
 98    { TLong,         0,  TLong },   // L_0_L
 99    { TLong,     TLong,  TUint },   // L_L_UI
100    { TFloat,   TFloat, TFloat },   // F_F_F
101    { TFloat,        0, TFloat },   // F_0_F
102    { TFloat,   TFloat,  TUint },   // F_F_UI
103    { TFloat,        0,  TUint },   // F_0_UI
104    { TDouble, TDouble, TDouble },  // D_D_D
105    { TDouble,       0, TDouble },  // D_0_D
106    { TDouble, TDouble,  TUint },   // D_D_UI
107    { TDouble,       0,  TUint },   // D_0_UI
108    { TStr,       TStr,   TStr },   // TT_TT_TT
109    { TStr,          0,   TStr },   // TT_0_TT
110 };
112 const  oper  operpars[]={
113 { 0xFF, B_I_I },
114 { OpSet, CSetUB }, { OpAddset, CAddUB },  { OpSubset, CSubUB },
115 { OpMulset,  CMulB }, { OpDivset, CDivB }, { OpModset, CModB },
116 { OpLeftset, CLeftB },{ OpRightset, CRightB },
117 { 0xFF, B_0_I },
118 { OpIncleft, CIncLeftUB }, { OpIncright, CIncRightUB }, { OpDecleft, CDecLeftUB },
119 { OpDecright, CDecRightUB },
121 { 0xFF, UB_UI_UI },
122 { OpSet, CSetUB }, { OpAddset, CAddUB }, { OpSubset, CSubUB },
123 { OpMulset,  CMulUB }, { OpDivset, CDivUB }, { OpModset, CModUB },
124 { OpAndset,  CAndUB }, { OpOrset,  COrUB },  { OpXorset, CXorUB },
125 { OpLeftset, CLeftB },{ OpRightset, CRightB },
126 { 0xFF, UB_0_UI },
127 { OpIncleft,  CIncLeftUB }, { OpIncright, CIncRightUB }, { OpDecleft,  CDecLeftUB },
128 { OpDecright, CDecRightUB }, { OpLognot, CLognot },
130 { 0xFF, S_I_I },
131 { OpSet, CSetUS },{ OpAddset, CAddUS },{ OpSubset, CSubUS },
132 { OpMulset, CMulS },  { OpDivset, CDivS }, { OpModset, CModS },
133 { OpLeftset, CLeftS },{ OpRightset, CRightS },
134 { 0xFF, S_0_I },
135 { OpIncleft, CIncLeftUS }, { OpIncright, CIncRightUS }, { OpDecleft, CDecLeftUS },
136 { OpDecright, CDecRightUS },
138 { 0xFF, US_UI_UI },
139 { OpSet, CSetUS }, { OpAddset, CAddUS }, { OpSubset, CSubUS },
140 { OpMulset, CMulUS }, { OpDivset, CDivUS }, { OpModset, CModUS },
141 { OpAndset, CAndUS }, { OpOrset, COrUS },   { OpXorset, CXorUS },
142 { OpLeftset, CLeftUS }, { OpRightset, CRightUS },
143 { 0xFF, US_0_UI },
144 { OpIncleft, CIncLeftUS }, { OpIncright, CIncRightUS },
145 { OpDecleft, CDecLeftUS }, { OpDecright, CDecRightUS },
147 { 0xFF, UI_UI_UI },
148 { OpSet, CSetI }, { OpAdd, CAddUIUI }, { OpSub, CSubUIUI },
149 { OpMul, CMulUIUI }, { OpDiv, CDivUIUI }, { OpMod, CModUIUI },
150 { OpBinand, CAndUIUI }, { OpBinor,  COrUIUI },  { OpBinxor, CXorUIUI },
151 { OpLeft, CLeftUIUI }, { OpRight, CRightUIUI }, { OpLess, CLessUIUI },
152 { OpEq, CEqUIUI },   { OpGreater, CGreaterUIUI },
153 { OpAddset, CAddUI }, { OpSubset, CSubUI }, { OpMulset, CMulUI },
154 { OpDivset, CDivUI }, { OpModset, CModUI }, { OpAndset, CAndUI },
155 { OpOrset, COrUI },   { OpXorset, CXorUI }, { OpLeftset, CLeftUI },
156 { OpRightset, CRightUI },
157 { 0xFF, UI_0_UI },
158 { OpBinnot, CNotUI }, { OpLognot, CLognot }, { OpIncleft, CIncLeftUI }, 
159 { OpIncright, CIncRightUI }, { OpDecleft, CDecLeftUI }, { OpDecright, CDecRightUI },
160 { 0xFF, UI_0_I },
161 { OpMinus, CSignI },
163 { 0xFF, I_I_I },
164 { OpSet, CSetI }, { OpAdd, CAddUIUI }, { OpSub, CSubUIUI },
165 { OpMul, CMulUIUI },   { OpDiv, CDivII },   { OpMod, CModII },
166 { OpLeft, CLeftUIUI }, { OpRight, CRightII }, { OpAddset, CAddUI },
167 { OpSubset, CSubUI }, { OpMulset, CMulUI },  { OpDivset, CDivI },
168 { OpModset, CModI },  { OpLeftset, CLeftUI },{ OpRightset, CRightI },
169 { 0xFF, I_0_I },
170 { OpMinus, CSignI }, { OpIncleft, CIncLeftUI }, { OpIncright, CIncRightUI },
171 { OpDecleft, CDecLeftUI }, { OpDecright, CDecRightUI },
172 { 0xFF, I_I_UI },
173 { OpLess, CLessII }, { OpGreater, CGreaterII },
175 { 0xFF, UL_UL_UL },
176 { OpSet, CSetL }, { OpAdd, CAddULUL }, { OpSub, CSubULUL },
177 { OpMul, CMulULUL }, { OpDiv, CDivULUL }, { OpMod, CModULUL },
178 { OpBinand, CAndULUL }, { OpBinor, COrULUL }, { OpBinxor, CXorULUL },
179 { OpLeft, CLeftULUL }, { OpRight, CRightULUL },
180 { OpAddset, CAddUL }, { OpSubset, CSubUL }, { OpMulset, CMulUL },
181 { OpDivset, CDivUL }, { OpModset, CModUL }, { OpAndset, CAndUL },
182 { OpOrset, COrUL },   { OpXorset, CXorUL }, { OpLeftset, CLeftUL },
183 { OpRightset, CRightUL },
184 { 0xFF, UL_0_UL },
185 { OpBinnot, CNotUL }, { OpIncleft, CIncLeftUL }, { OpIncright, CIncRightUL },
186 { OpDecleft, CDecLeftUL }, { OpDecright, CDecRightUL },
187 { 0xFF, UL_UL_UI },
188 { OpLess, CLessULUL }, { OpEq, CEqULUL }, { OpGreater, CGreaterULUL },
189 { 0xFF, UL_0_UI },
190 { OpLognot, CLoglongnot },
191 { 0xFF, UL_0_L },
192 { OpMinus, CSignL },
194 { 0xFF, L_L_L },
195 { OpSet, CSetL }, { OpAdd, CAddULUL }, { OpSub, CSubULUL },
196 { OpMul, CMulLL },   { OpDiv, CDivLL },   { OpMod, CModLL },
197 { OpLeft, CLeftLL }, { OpRight, CRightLL },{ OpAddset, CAddUL },
198 { OpSubset, CSubUL }, { OpMulset, CMulL },  { OpDivset, CDivL },
199 { OpModset, CModL },  { OpLeftset, CLeftL },{ OpRightset, CRightL },
200 { 0xFF, L_0_L },
201 { OpMinus, CSignL },  { OpIncleft, CIncLeftUL }, { OpIncright, CIncRightUL },
202 { OpDecleft, CDecLeftUL }, { OpDecright, CDecRightUL },
203 { 0xFF, L_L_UI },
204 { OpLess, CLessLL }, { OpGreater, CGreaterLL },
206 { 0xFF, F_F_F },
207 { OpSet, CSetI }, { OpAdd, CAddFF }, { OpSub, CSubFF },
208 { OpMul, CMulFF },   { OpDiv, CDivFF }, { OpAddset, CAddF },
209 { OpSubset, CSubF },  { OpMulset, CMulF },{ OpDivset, CDivF },
210 { 0xFF, F_0_F },
211 { OpMinus, CSignF },  { OpIncleft, CIncLeftF }, { OpIncright, CIncRightF },
212 { OpDecleft, CDecLeftF }, { OpDecright, CDecRightF },
213 { 0xFF, F_F_UI },
214 { OpLess, CLessFF }, { OpEq, CEqFF }, { OpGreater, CGreaterFF },
215 { 0xFF, F_0_UI },
216 { OpLognot, CLognot },
218 { 0xFF, D_D_D },
219 { OpSet, CSetL }, { OpAdd, CAddDD }, { OpSub, CSubDD },
220 { OpMul,   CMulDD }, { OpDiv, CDivDD }, { OpAddset, CAddD },
221 { OpSubset,  CSubD }, { OpMulset, CMulD }, { OpDivset, CDivD },
222 { 0xFF, D_0_D },
223 { OpMinus, CSignD },  { OpIncleft, CIncLeftD }, { OpIncright, CIncRightD },
224 { OpDecleft, CDecLeftD }, { OpDecright, CDecRightD },
225 { 0xFF, D_0_UI },
226 { OpLognot, CLoglongnot },
227 { 0xFF, D_D_UI },
228 { OpLess, CLessDD }, { OpEq, CEqDD }, { OpGreater, CGreaterDD },
230 // Для text функций
231 { 0xFF, ST_ST_ST },
232 { OpStradd, 0 }, 
233 { 0xFF, ST_0_ST },
234 { OpStrout, 0 },
236 { 0, 0 }
237 };
239 const  ubyte typesto[ 5 ][ 10 ]={
240 //            int,   uint,  byte,  ubyte, short, ushort,  float, double,  long,  ulonge
241 //*  byte */{   0,      0,      0,     0,     0,      0,   Cf2i,  Cd2i ,  Cl2i,  Cul2i},
242 //* ubyte */{   0,      0,      0,     0,     0,      0,   Cf2i,  Cd2i ,  Cl2i,  Cul2i},
243 //* short */{   0,      0,      0,     0,     0,      0,   Cf2i,  Cd2i ,  Cl2i,  Cul2i},
244 //*ushort */{   0,      0,      0,     0,     0,      0,   Cf2i,  Cd2i ,  Cl2i,  Cul2i},
245 //*   int */{   0,      0,      0,     0,     0,      0,   Cf2i,  Cd2i ,  Cl2i,  Cul2i},
246 /*  uint */ {CNop,   CNop,   CNop,  CNop,  CNop,   CNop,   Cf2i,  Cd2i ,  Cl2i,   Cl2i},
247 /* float */ {Ci2f,  Cui2f,   Ci2f, Cui2f,  Ci2f,  Cui2f,   CNop,  Cd2f ,  Cl2f,   Cl2f},
248 /* double*/ {Ci2d,  Cui2d,   Ci2d, Cui2d,  Ci2d,  Cui2d,   Cf2d,  CNop ,  Cl2d,   Cl2d},
249 /*  long */ {Ci2l,  Cui2l,   Ci2l, Cui2l,  Ci2l,  Cui2l,   Cf2l,  Cd2l ,  CNop,   CNop},
250 /* ulong */ {Ci2l,  Cui2l,   Ci2l, Cui2l,  Ci2l,  Cui2l,   Cf2l,  Cd2l ,  CNop,   CNop},
251 };
253 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 *
255 * ID: compinit 19.10.06 0.0.A.
256 * 
257 * Summary: Initialize the compiler.
258 *  
259 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
261 void  STDCALL initcompile( void )
262 {
263    uint      i, id, ret, idto, idfrom;
264    pvmfunc   pfunc;
265    ubyte     out[ 128 ];
266    puint     ptr;
267    uint      parl, parr;
268    pubyte    ptrlex = ( pubyte )&operlexlist;
270 #if defined ( __GNUC__) || defined (__TINYC__)
271    pubyte    ptrpar;    // santy
272 #endif
274    if ( _compinit )
275       return;
276    _compinit = 1;
277 //   if ( _vm.count > KERNEL_COUNT )
278 //      return;
280    // Заполняем от верхних к низу
281    for ( i = 0; i < OPERCOUNT; i++ )
282    {
283       _lexlist[ i ] = 0;
285       mem_copyuntilzero( ( pubyte )&_lexlist[ i ], ptrlex );
286       if ( i && !_lexlist[ i ] )
287          _lexlist[ i ] = _lexlist[ i - 1 ];
288 //      print("%s ", &_lexlist[ i ] );
289       ptrlex += mem_len( ptrlex ) + 1;
290    }
292    id = KERNEL_COUNT - 1;
293    i = 0;
295    while ( operpars[ i ].oper )
296    {
297       if ( operpars[i].oper == 0xFF )
298       {
299          parl = oppars[ operpars[ i ].bc ].left;
300          parr = oppars[ operpars[ i ].bc ].right;
301          ret = oppars[ operpars[ i ].bc ].ret;
302       }
303       else
304       {
305          ptrlex = ( pubyte )&_lexlist[ operpars[ i ].oper ];
306          ptr = ( puint )&out;
307          *(( pubyte )ptr)++ = 4;// OVM_EXFUNC
308          *ptr++ = GHCOM_NAME;
309          *ptr++ = ( parr ? 29 : 24 ) + mem_len( ptrlex );
310 //         sprintf( ( pubyte )ptr, "#%02i", operpars[ i ].oper );
311          sprintf( ( pubyte )ptr, "#%s", ptrlex );
312          ptr = ( puint )(( pubyte )ptr + mem_len( ptr ) + 1 );
313          *ptr++ = ret;
314          *(( pubyte )ptr)++ = 0;
316          *ptr++ = parr ? 2 : 1;
317          *ptr++ = parl;
318          *(( pubyte )ptr)++ = 0;
319          if ( parr )
320          {
321             *ptr++ = parr;
322             *(( pubyte )ptr)++ = 0;
323          }
324          ptr = ( puint )&out;
325 #if defined ( __GNUC__) || defined (__TINYC__)
326          ptrpar = ( pubyte )ptr;   // santy
327          pfunc = ( pvmfunc )load_exfunc( &ptrpar, id-- );
328 #else
329          pfunc = ( pvmfunc )load_exfunc( &( pubyte )ptr, id-- );
330 #endif
331          // Link to stack command
332          pfunc->vmo.id = operpars[ i ].bc;
333       }
334       i++;
335    }
336    for ( idto = TInt; idto <= TUlong; idto++ )
337    {
338       for ( idfrom = TInt; idfrom <= TUlong; idfrom++ )
339       {
340          ptrlex = (( pvmobj )PCMD( idto ))->name;
342          ptr = ( puint )&out;
344          *(( pubyte )ptr)++ = 4;// OVM_EXFUNC
345          *ptr++ = GHCOM_NAME;
346          *ptr++ = 24 + mem_len( ptrlex );
347          sprintf( ( pubyte )ptr, "@%s", ptrlex );
348          ptr = ( puint )(( pubyte )ptr + mem_len( ptr ) + 1 );
349          *ptr++ = idto;
350          *(( pubyte )ptr)++ = 0;
352          *ptr++ = 1;
353          *ptr++ = idfrom;
354          *(( pubyte )ptr)++ = 0;
355          ptr = ( puint )&out;
356 #if defined ( __GNUC__) || defined (__TINYC__)
357          ptrpar = ( pubyte )ptr;    // santy
358          pfunc = ( pvmfunc )load_exfunc( &ptrpar, id-- );
359 #else
360          pfunc = ( pvmfunc )load_exfunc( &( pubyte )ptr, id-- );
361 #endif
362          // Link to stack command
363          pfunc->vmo.id = typesto[ idto < TFloat ? 0 : idto - TFloat + 1 ][ idfrom - TInt ];
364       }
365    }
367 }