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  2 // Поиск окна находящегося сверху данной точки экрана
  3 func uint gettopwindow( uint wd POINT pnt ) 
  4 {
  5    POINT pntcl //Координаты переведенные под текущее окно
  6 	uint /*wd,*/ ww, wp, wc
  7    uint flgtr 
  9    //Инициализация, окно экрана            
 10    //wd = GetDesktopWindow()
 11    wc = wd
 12    ww = 0         
 13    flgtr = $CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT   
 14    //Получение первого потомка
 15    while wc && wc != ww
 16    {    
 17       pntcl = pnt
 18       ScreenToClient( wc, pntcl )
 19       wp = ww
 20       ww = wc            
 21       wc = ChildWindowFromPointEx( wc, pntcl.x, pntcl.y, $CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE | flgtr )      
 22       flgtr = 0            
 23    }
 24    /*
 25    if wp != wd 
 26    {  //Поиск потомка лежащего сверху            
 27       ww = GetWindow( ww, $GW_HWNDLAST )
 28       while ww
 29       {       
 30          print( "ww=\(ww)\n" )
 31          if GetWindowLong( ww, $GWL_STYLE ) & $WS_VISIBLE 
 32          {   
 33             pntcl = pnt
 34             ScreenToClient( ww, pntcl )
 35             wc = ChildWindowFromPointEx( ww, pntcl.x, pntcl.y, $CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE )
 36             if wc: break;
 37             wc = ww
 38          }               
 39          ww = GetWindow( ww, $GW_HWNDPREV )               
 40       }      
 41    }*/   
 42    return ww
 43 } 
 45 func setrgn( uint w, RECT r )
 46 {
 47    uint ar, br
 48    int mx, my, hx, hy
 49 subfunc sm( int x, int y )
 50 {
 51    SetRectRgn( br, x, y, x + 6, y + 6 )
 52    CombineRgn( ar, ar, br, $RGN_OR )
 53 }
 54    //flgnopaint = 1
 55    //ShowWindow( w, $SW_HIDE )
 56    //SetWindowLong( w, $GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong( w, $GWL_STYLE ) & ~ $WS_VISIBLE )
 57    //SetWindowRgn( w, 0, 1 ) 
 58    ////SetWindowRgn( w, 0, 1 )  
 59    //MoveWindow( w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 )
 60    //ShowWindow( w, $SW_HIDE )
 61    //MoveWindow( w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 )
 62    //SetWindowPos( w, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $SWP_NOMOVE | $SWP_NOACTIVATE | $SWP_NOSENDCHANGING)
 64    //SetWindowRgn( w, 0, 0 )
 66    mx = r.right - r.left 
 67    my = r.bottom - r.top 
 68    hx = mx / 2 - 1
 69    hy = my / 2 - 1
 70    ar = CreateRectRgn( 2, 2, mx + 2, my + 2 )
 71    br = CreateRectRgn( 4, 4, mx, my )
 72    CombineRgn( ar, ar, br, $RGN_DIFF )
 73    mx -= 2
 74    my -= 2  
 75    sm( -0, -0 )
 76    sm( hx, -0 )
 77    sm( mx, -0 )
 78    sm( -0, hy )
 79    sm( mx, hy )
 80    sm( -0, my )
 81    sm( hx, my )
 82    sm( mx, my )
 83    //uint br = CreateRectRgn( 2, 2, r.right - r.left - 2, r.bottom - r.top - 2 )
 85    DeleteObject( br )
 86    //flgnopaint = 0
 87    //ShowWindow( w, $SW_HIDE )
 88    SetWindowRgn( w, ar, 1 )
 90    MoveWindow( w, r.left - 2, r.top - 2, r.right - r.left + 4, r.bottom - r.top + 4, 1 )
 91    //ShowWindow( w, $SW_SHOW )
 92    //InvalidateRgn( w, ar, 1 )
 93    //UpdateWindow( w )
 94    //Sleep(1000)
 95    /*print( "setrgn   
 96 \(r.right - r.left + 4)    
 97 \(r.bottom - r.top + 4)
 98 \n" )*/
100    //ShowWindow( w, $SW_SHOW )
101    //Sleep(1000)
102    //InvalidateRect( w, 0->RECT, 1 )
104    //ShowWindow( w, $SW_SHOW )
105    //SetWindowLong( w, $GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong( w, $GWL_STYLE ) | $WS_VISIBLE )
106 }
108 func uint getcursorsize( uint w, POINT pnt )
109 {
110    RECT r
111    int mx, hx, my, hy
112    uint res = 0
113    GetWindowRect( w, r )
114    mx = r.right - r.left - 6
115    hx = mx/2
116    my = r.bottom - r.top - 6
117    hy = my/2
118    if pnt.y >= my 
119    {
120       if pnt.x >= mx : res = 5
121       elif pnt.x >= hx && pnt.x < hx + 6 :res = 8
122       elif pnt.x < 6 : res = 6   
123    }
124    elif pnt.y >= hy && pnt.y < hy + 6
125    {
126       if pnt.x >= mx : res = 7     
127       elif pnt.x < 6 : res = 3
128    }
129    elif pnt.y < 6
130    {
131       if pnt.x >= mx : res = 2
132       elif pnt.x >= hx && pnt.x < hx + 6 : res = 4
133       elif pnt.x < 6 : res = 1
134    }   
135    return res  
136 }
138 func mousetopoint( uint lpar, POINT pnt )
139 {    
140    pnt.x = int( ( &lpar )->short )
141 	pnt.y = int( ( &lpar + 2 )->short )
142 }
144 /*
148 func ffr( uint w, x, y )
149 {		
150 	MoveWindow( w, x-2, y-2, 5,5, 1 )
151 }
153 func outnamewin( uint wp )
154 {
155    str c, b
156    c.reserve( 256 )
157    GetClassName( wp, c.ptr(), 256 )
158    c.setlenptr()
159    b.reserve( 256 )
160    SendMessage( wp, $WM_GETTEXT, 256, b.ptr() )
161    b.setlenptr()
162    print( hex2stru("",wp) + "   " + c + "   " + b + " "+ hex2stru( "", GetWindowLong( wp, $GWL_STYLE )) +"\n" )
163 }
164 */