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  1 #ifndef _BYTECODE_H_
  2 #define _BYTECODE_H_
  4    #ifdef __cplusplus
  5       extern "C" {
  6    #endif // __cplusplus
  8 enum
  9 {      
 10 //  SH_TYPE,  // type
 11               //  top  cmd
 12   SHN3_1 = 1, //   -3   1    
 13   SHN2_1,     //   -2   1    
 14   SHN1_2,     //   -1   2
 15   SHN1_1,     //   -1   1    
 16   SH0_2,      //   0    2
 17   SH0_1,      //   0    1    
 18   SH1_3,      //   1    3
 19   SH1_2,      //   1    2
 20   SH1_1,      //   1    1
 21   SH2_1,      //   2    1
 22   SH2_3,      //   2    3
 23 };
 25 #define  CMDCOUNT  235
 26 #define  STACK_COUNT  217
 28 enum {
 29    CNone,        //   0x0,  0 Error command
 30    TInt,         //   0x1,  1 int type
 31    TUint,        //   0x2,  2 uint type
 32    TByte,        //   0x3,  3 byte type
 33    TUbyte,       //   0x4,  4 ubyte type
 34    TShort,       //   0x5,  5 short type
 35    TUshort,      //   0x6,  6 ushort type
 36    TFloat,       //   0x7,  7 float type
 37    TDouble,      //   0x8,  8 double type
 38    TLong,        //   0x9,  9 long type
 39    TUlong,       //   0xA,  10 ulong type
 40    TReserved,    //   0xB,  11 reserved type
 41    TBuf,         //   0xC,  12 buf type
 42    TStr,         //   0xD,  13 str type
 43    TArr,         //   0xE,  14 arr type
 44    TCollection,  //   0xF,  15 collection type
 45    TAny,         //  0x10,  16 any type
 46    TFordata,     //  0x11,  17 foreach type
 47    CNop,         //  0x12,  18 The command does nothing
 48    CGoto,        //  0x13,  19 The unconditional jump.
 49    CGotonocls,   //  0x14,  20 The unconditional jump without clearing stack.
 50    CIfze,        //  0x15,  21 The conditional jump
 51    CIfznocls,    //  0x16,  22 The conditional jump without clearing stack
 52    CIfnze,       //  0x17,  23 The conditional jump
 53    CIfnznocls,   //  0x18,  24 The conditional jump without clearing stack.
 54    CByload,      //  0x19,  25 The next ubyte push into stack. GE only
 55    CShload,      //  0x1A,  26 The next ushort push into stack. GE only
 56    CDwload,      //  0x1B,  27 The next uint push into stack.
 57    CCmdload,     //  0x1C,  28 The next ID push into stack.
 58    CResload,     //  0x1D,  29 The next ID (resource) push into stack.
 59    CQwload,      //  0x1E,  30 The next ulong push into stack.
 60    CDwsload,     //  0x1F,  31 The next uints ( cmd 1 ) ( cmd 2 ) push into the stack
 61    CVarload,     //  0x20,  32 Load the value of parameter or variable with number ( cmd 1)
 62    CVarptrload,  //  0x21,  33 Load the pointer to value of parameter or variable with number ( cmd 1)
 63    CDatasize,    //  0x22,  34 Load the pointer to the next data and the size
 64    CLoglongtrue, //  0x23,  35 Return 1 if ulong in stack is not zero
 65    CLognot,      //  0x24,  36 Logical not
 66    CLoglongnot,  //  0x25,  37 Logical NOT for long ulong
 67    CDup,         //  0x26,  38 Duplicate top value
 68    CDuplong,     //  0x27,  39 Duplicate two top value
 69    CTop,         //  0x28,  40 Return the pointer to top
 70    CPop,         //  0x29,  41 Delete the top value
 71    CGetUB,       //  0x2A,  42  * ( pubyte ) 
 72    CGetB,        //  0x2B,  43  * ( pbyte ) 
 73    CGetUS,       //  0x2C,  44  * ( pushort ) 
 74    CGetS,        //  0x2D,  45  * ( pshort ) 
 75    CGetI,        //  0x2E,  46  * ( puint && pint && float ) 
 76    CGetL,        //  0x2F,  47  * ( pulong && plong && double ) 
 77    CSetUB,       //  0x30,  48  * ( pubyte ) = 
 78    CSetB,        //  0x31,  49  * ( pbyte ) = 
 79    CSetUS,       //  0x32,  50  * ( pushort ) = 
 80    CSetS,        //  0x33,  51  * ( pshort ) = 
 81    CSetI,        //  0x34,  52  * ( puint && pint && float ) = 
 82    CSetL,        //  0x35,  53  * ( pulong && plong && double ) = 
 83    CAddUIUI,     //  0x36,  54  + 
 84    CSubUIUI,     //  0x37,  55  - 
 85    CMulUIUI,     //  0x38,  56  * 
 86    CDivUIUI,     //  0x39,  57  / 
 87    CModUIUI,     //  0x3A,  58  % 
 88    CAndUIUI,     //  0x3B,  59  & 
 89    COrUIUI,      //  0x3C,  60  | 
 90    CXorUIUI,     //  0x3D,  61  ^ 
 91    CLeftUIUI,    //  0x3E,  62  << 
 92    CRightUIUI,   //  0x3F,  63  >> 
 93    CLessUIUI,    //  0x40,  64  < 
 94    CGreaterUIUI, //  0x41,  65  > 
 95    CEqUIUI,      //  0x42,  66  == 
 96    CNotUI,       //  0x43,  67  ~ 
 97    CIncLeftUI,   //  0x44,  68  ++i 
 98    CIncRightUI,  //  0x45,  69  i++ 
 99    CDecLeftUI,   //  0x46,  70  --i 
100    CDecRightUI,  //  0x47,  71  i-- 
101    CAddUI,       //  0x48,  72  += 
102    CSubUI,       //  0x49,  73  -= 
103    CMulUI,       //  0x4A,  74  *= 
104    CDivUI,       //  0x4B,  75  /= 
105    CModUI,       //  0x4C,  76  %= 
106    CAndUI,       //  0x4D,  77  &= 
107    COrUI,        //  0x4E,  78  |= 
108    CXorUI,       //  0x4F,  79  ^= 
109    CLeftUI,      //  0x50,  80  <<= 
110    CRightUI,     //  0x51,  81  >>= 
111    CVarsInit,    //  0x52,  82 Initialize variables in block cmd1 
112    CGetText,     //  0x53,  83 Get current output of text function
113    CSetText,     //  0x54,  84 Print string to current output of text function
114    CPtrglobal,   //  0x55,  85 Get to the global variable
115    CSubcall,     //  0x56,  86 Call a subfunc cmd 1 - goto
116    CSubret,      //  0x57,  87 The number of returned uint cmd 1
117    CSubpar,      //  0x58,  88 Paraneters of subfunc. cmd 1 - Set block cndshift = 1
118    CSubreturn,   //  0x59,  89 Return from a subfunc
119    CCmdcall,     //  0x5A,  90 Call a funcion
120    CCallstd,     //  0x5B,  91 Call a stdcall or cdecl funcion
121    CReturn,      //  0x5C,  92 Return from the function.
122    CDbgTrace,    //  0x5D,  93 Debug line tracing
123    CDbgFunc,     //  0x5E,  94 Debug func entering
124    CMulII,       //  0x5F,  95  * 
125    CDivII,       //  0x60,  96  / 
126    CModII,       //  0x61,  97  % 
127    CLeftII,      //  0x62,  98  << 
128    CRightII,     //  0x63,  99  >> 
129    CSignI,       //  0x64,  100  change sign 
130    CLessII,      //  0x65,  101  < 
131    CGreaterII,   //  0x66,  102  > 
132    CMulI,        //  0x67,  103  *= 
133    CDivI,        //  0x68,  104  /= 
134    CModI,        //  0x69,  105  %= 
135    CLeftI,       //  0x6A,  106  <<= 
136    CRightI,      //  0x6B,  107  >>= 
137    CMulB,        //  0x6C,  108  *= 
138    CDivB,        //  0x6D,  109  /= 
139    CModB,        //  0x6E,  110  %= 
140    CLeftB,       //  0x6F,  111  <<= 
141    CRightB,      //  0x70,  112  >>= 
142    CMulS,        //  0x71,  113  *= 
143    CDivS,        //  0x72,  114  /= 
144    CModS,        //  0x73,  115  %= 
145    CLeftS,       //  0x74,  116  <<= 
146    CRightS,      //  0x75,  117  >>= 
147    Cd2f,         //  0x76,  118 double 2 float
148    Cd2i,         //  0x77,  119 double 2 int
149    Cd2l,         //  0x78,  120 double 2 long
150    Cf2d,         //  0x79,  121 float 2 double
151    Cf2i,         //  0x7A,  122 float 2 int
152    Cf2l,         //  0x7B,  123 float 2 long
153    Ci2d,         //  0x7C,  124 int 2 double
154    Ci2f,         //  0x7D,  125 int 2 float
155    Ci2l,         //  0x7E,  126 int 2 long
156    Cl2d,         //  0x7F,  127 long 2 double
157    Cl2f,         //  0x80,  128 long 2 float
158    Cl2i,         //  0x81,  129 long 2 int
159    Cui2d,        //  0x82,  130 uint 2 double
160    Cui2f,        //  0x83,  131 uint 2 float
161    Cui2l,        //  0x84,  132 uint 2 long
162    CAddULUL,     //  0x85,  133 +
163    CSubULUL,     //  0x86,  134 -
164    CMulULUL,     //  0x87,  135 *
165    CDivULUL,     //  0x88,  136 /
166    CModULUL,     //  0x89,  137 %
167    CAndULUL,     //  0x8A,  138 &
168    COrULUL,      //  0x8B,  139 |
169    CXorULUL,     //  0x8C,  140 ^
170    CLeftULUL,    //  0x8D,  141 <<
171    CRightULUL,   //  0x8E,  142 >>
172    CLessULUL,    //  0x8F,  143 <
173    CGreaterULUL, //  0x90,  144 >
174    CEqULUL,      //  0x91,  145 ==
175    CNotUL,       //  0x92,  146 ~
176    CIncLeftUL,   //  0x93,  147 ++
177    CIncRightUL,  //  0x94,  148 ++
178    CDecLeftUL,   //  0x95,  149 --
179    CDecRightUL,  //  0x96,  150 --
180    CAddUL,       //  0x97,  151 +=
181    CSubUL,       //  0x98,  152 -=
182    CMulUL,       //  0x99,  153 *=
183    CDivUL,       //  0x9A,  154 /=
184    CModUL,       //  0x9B,  155 %
185    CAndUL,       //  0x9C,  156 &=
186    COrUL,        //  0x9D,  157 |=
187    CXorUL,       //  0x9E,  158 &=
188    CLeftUL,      //  0x9F,  159 <<=
189    CRightUL,     //  0xA0,  160 >>=
190    CMulLL,       //  0xA1,  161 *
191    CDivLL,       //  0xA2,  162 /
192    CModLL,       //  0xA3,  163 %
193    CLeftLL,      //  0xA4,  164 <<=
194    CRightLL,     //  0xA5,  165 >>=
195    CSignL,       //  0xA6,  166 sign
196    CLessLL,      //  0xA7,  167 <
197    CGreaterLL,   //  0xA8,  168 >
198    CMulL,        //  0xA9,  169 *=
199    CDivL,        //  0xAA,  170 /=
200    CModL,        //  0xAB,  171 %=
201    CLeftL,       //  0xAC,  172 <<=
202    CRightL,      //  0xAD,  173 >>=
203    CAddFF,       //  0xAE,  174 +
204    CSubFF,       //  0xAF,  175 -
205    CMulFF,       //  0xB0,  176 *
206    CDivFF,       //  0xB1,  177 /
207    CSignF,       //  0xB2,  178 sign
208    CLessFF,      //  0xB3,  179 <
209    CGreaterFF,   //  0xB4,  180 >
210    CEqFF,        //  0xB5,  181 ==
211    CIncLeftF,    //  0xB6,  182 ++
212    CIncRightF,   //  0xB7,  183 ++
213    CDecLeftF,    //  0xB8,  184 --
214    CDecRightF,   //  0xB9,  185 --
215    CAddF,        //  0xBA,  186 +=
216    CSubF,        //  0xBB,  187 -=
217    CMulF,        //  0xBC,  188 *=
218    CDivF,        //  0xBD,  189 /=
219    CAddDD,       //  0xBE,  190 +
220    CSubDD,       //  0xBF,  191 -
221    CMulDD,       //  0xC0,  192 *
222    CDivDD,       //  0xC1,  193 /
223    CSignD,       //  0xC2,  194 sign
224    CLessDD,      //  0xC3,  195 <
225    CGreaterDD,   //  0xC4,  196 >
226    CEqDD,        //  0xC5,  197 ==
227    CIncLeftD,    //  0xC6,  198 ++
228    CIncRightD,   //  0xC7,  199 ++
229    CDecLeftD,    //  0xC8,  200 --
230    CDecRightD,   //  0xC9,  201 --
231    CAddD,        //  0xCA,  202 +=
232    CSubD,        //  0xCB,  203 -=
233    CMulD,        //  0xCC,  204 *=
234    CDivD,        //  0xCD,  205 /=
235    CIncLeftUB,   //  0xCE,  206 ++
236    CIncRightUB,  //  0xCF,  207 ++
237    CDecLeftUB,   //  0xD0,  208 --
238    CDecRightUB,  //  0xD1,  209 --
239    CAddUB,       //  0xD2,  210 +=
240    CSubUB,       //  0xD3,  211 -=
241    CMulUB,       //  0xD4,  212 *=
242    CDivUB,       //  0xD5,  213 /=
243    CModUB,       //  0xD6,  214 %=
244    CAndUB,       //  0xD7,  215 &=
245    COrUB,        //  0xD8,  216 |=
246    CXorUB,       //  0xD9,  217 ^=
247    CLeftUB,      //  0xDA,  218 <<=
248    CRightUB,     //  0xDB,  219 >>=
249    CIncLeftUS,   //  0xDC,  220 ++
250    CIncRightUS,  //  0xDD,  221 ++
251    CDecLeftUS,   //  0xDE,  222 --
252    CDecRightUS,  //  0xDF,  223 --
253    CAddUS,       //  0xE0,  224 +=
254    CSubUS,       //  0xE1,  225 -=
255    CMulUS,       //  0xE2,  226 *=
256    CDivUS,       //  0xE3,  227 /=
257    CModUS,       //  0xE4,  228 %=
258    CAndUS,       //  0xE5,  229 &=
259    COrUS,        //  0xE6,  230 |=
260    CXorUS,       //  0xE7,  231 ^=
261    CLeftUS,      //  0xE8,  232 <<=
262    CRightUS,     //  0xE9,  233 >>=
263    CCollectadd,  //  0xEA,  234 Run-time loading collection
264 };
267 typedef struct CmpInfo{
268     char* name;
269     char* comment;
270 }CmpInfo;
275 extern const CmpInfo pCmpInfo[];
276 extern const ubyte shifts[];
277 extern const ubyte embtypes[];
279 extern const ubyte embfuncs[];
280 #define  FUNCCOUNT  118
282    #ifdef __cplusplus              
283       }                            
284    #endif // __cplusplus
286 #endif // _BYTECODE_H_