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  1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 * Id: dbf_f_count F3
  3 * 
  4 * Summary: Number of fields.
  5 *  
  6 * Return: Returns the number of fields. 
  7 *
  8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 10 method uint dbf.f_count()
 11 {
 12    return *this.fields
 13 }
 15 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 16 * Id: dbf_f_decimal F2
 17 * 
 18 * Summary: Getting the size of the fractional part in a numerical field. 
 19 *  
 20 * Params: num - Field number beginning with 1. 
 21 *
 22 * Return: The size of the fractional part.
 23 *
 24 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 26 method uint dbf.f_decimal( uint num )
 27 {
 28    return this.fields[ num - 1 ].decimals
 29 }
 31 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 32 * Id: dbf_f_name F2
 33 * 
 34 * Summary: Get the name of the specified field. 
 35 *  
 36 * Params: num - Field number beginning with 1.  
 37 *
 38 * Return: Returns the name of the specified field.
 39 *
 40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 42 method str  dbf.f_name( uint num )
 43 {
 44    return this.fields[ num - 1 ].name
 45 }
 47 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 48 * Id: dbf_f_width F2
 49 * 
 50 * Summary: Get the width of the specified field. 
 51 *  
 52 * Params: num - Field number beginning with 1.  
 53 *
 54 * Return: Returns the width of the field.
 55 *
 56 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 58 method uint dbf.f_width( uint num )
 59 {
 60    return this.fields[ num - 1 ].width
 61 }
 63 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 64 * Id: dbf_f_find F2
 65 * 
 66 * Summary: Getting the number of a field by its name. 
 67 *  
 68 * Params: name - The name of the field. 
 69 *
 70 * Return: The number of the field with the specified name or
 71           0 in case of an error.
 72 *
 73 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 75 method uint dbf.f_find( str name )
 76 {
 77    uint i
 79    fornum i, *this.fields
 80    {
 81       if name %== this.fields[ i ].name : return i + 1
 82    }
 83    return 0
 84 }
 86 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 87 * Id: dbf_f_offset F2
 88 * 
 89 * Summary: Get the offset of the field. 
 90 *  
 91 * Params: num - Field number beginning with 1.  
 92 *
 93 * Return: Returns the offset of this field.
 94 *
 95 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 97 method uint dbf.f_offset( uint num )
 98 {
 99    return this.fields[ num - 1 ].offset
100 }
102 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 * Id: dbf_f_type F2
104 * 
105 * Summary: Get the field type. 
106 *  
107 * Params: num - Field number beginning with 1.  
108 *
109 * Return: Returns the type of this field. It can be one of the following 
110           values. $$[dbftypes]
111 *
112 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
114 method uint dbf.f_type( uint num )
115 {
116    return this.fields[ num - 1 ].ftype
117 }
119 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 * Id: dbf_f_ptr F2
121 * 
122 * Summary: Pointer to data. Get the pointer to the contents of this field 
123            from the current record. 
124 *  
125 * Params: num - Field number beginning with 1.  
126 *
127 * Return: Returns the pointer to this field.
128 *
129 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
131 method uint dbf.f_ptr( uint num )
132 {
133    return this.ptr + this.fields[ num - 1 ].offset
134 }
136 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 * Id: dbf_f_str F2
138 * 
139 * Summary: Getting a value. Get the value of the field from the current 
140            record as a string. 
141 *  
142 * Params: val - The string for getting the value.  
143           num - Field number beginning with 1.  
144 *
145 * Return: #lng/retpar( val )
146 *
147 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
149 method str  dbf.f_str( str val, uint num )
150 {
151    uint  width = this.fields[ num - 1 ].width
153    val.reserve( width )
154    val.copy( this.f_ptr( num ), width )
155 //   val.setlen( width )   
156    return val.trimrspace()
157 }
159 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 * Id: dbf_f_logic F2
161 * 
162 * Summary: Getting a logical value. Get the value of the logical field from 
163            the current record.
164 *  
165 * Params: num - Field number beginning with 1.  
166 *
167 * Return: Returns the value of the logical field.$$[dbflogic]
168 *
169 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
171 method uint dbf.f_logic( uint num )
172 {
173    uint val = this.f_ptr( num )->byte
175    switch val 
176    {
177       case 'Y', 'y', 'T', 't' : return $DBF_LTRUE
178       case 'N', 'n', 'F', 'f' : return $DBF_LFALSE
179    }
180    return $DBF_LUNKNOWN
181 }
183 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 * Id: dbf_f_date F2
185 * 
186 * Summary: Getting a date. Getting the date from the specified field of the
187            current record into the structure #a(tdatetime).
188 *  
189 * Params:  dt - The structure for getting the date. 
190            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
191 *
192 * Return: #lng/retpar(dt)
193 *
194 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
196 method datetime dbf.f_date( datetime dt, uint num )
197 {
198 //   mzero( &dt, sizeof( datetime ))
199    str   st
200    str   stemp 
201    uint  cur
203    this.f_str( st, num )
205    stemp.substr( st, 6, 2 )
206    dt.day = stemp.int()//str2int( stemp )
207    stemp.substr( st, 4, 2 )
208    dt.month = stemp.int()//str2int( stemp )
209    st.setlen( 4 )
210    dt.year = st.int()//str2int( st )
212    return dt      
213 }
215 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 * Id: dbf_f_date_1 FA
217 * 
218 * Summary: Getting the date from the specified field of the current record as 
219            a string. 
220 *  
221 * Params:  val - The string for getting the date.  
222            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
223 *
224 * Return: #lng/retpar(val)
225 *
226 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
228 method str dbf.f_date( str val, uint num )
229 {
230    datetime  dt
232    this.f_date( dt, num )
233    getdatetime( dt, val, 0->str )
234    return val      
235 }
237 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 * Id: dbf_f_double F2
239 * 
240 * Summary: Getting a numerical value. Get a numerical value of the double 
241            type from the specified field of the current record.  
242 *  
243 * Params:  num - Field number beginning with 1.  
244 *
245 * Return: A value of the double type.
246 *
247 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
249 method double  dbf.f_double( uint num )
250 {
251    str val
253    this.f_str( val, num ).trimspace()
254    return double( val )
255 }
257 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 * Id: dbf_f_int F2
259 * 
260 * Summary: Getting an integer value. Get a numerical value of the int type 
261            from the specified field of the current record.  
262 *  
263 * Params:  num - Field number beginning with 1.  
264 *
265 * Return: A number of the int type is returned.
266 *
267 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
269 method int  dbf.f_int( uint num )
270 {
271    str val
273    this.f_str( val, num ).trimspace()
274    return int( val )
275 }
277 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 * Id: dbf_f_memo F2
279 * 
280 * Summary: Get the value of a memo field. Get the value of the memo field from
281            the current record. 
282 *  
283 * Params:  val - The string for writing the value.  
284            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
285 *
286 * Return: #lng/retf#
287 *
288 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
290 method uint dbf.f_memo( str val, uint num )
291 {
292    uint  id = this.f_int( num )
293    uint  pos
295    val.clear()
296    if  this.f_type( num ) != $DBFF_MEMO || !id : return 1
298    pos = id * this.mblock
299    if this.dbtfile.setpos( pos, $FILE_BEGIN ) != pos
300    {
301       return this.error( $ERRDBT_POS )
302    }
304    val->buf.use = 0
305    uint i
307    if this.head.version == 0x83    // dBase III
308    {
309       uint prev
311       while this.dbtfile.read( val->buf, this.mblock )
312       {
313          fornum i = prev, *val->buf
314          {
315             if val->buf[i] == 0x1A && val->buf[i + 1] == 0x1A
316             {
317                break
318             }
319          }
320          prev = *val->buf
321          if i < *val->buf : break
322       }
323    }
324    else   // 0x8B   dBase IV
325    {
326       this.dbtfile.read( val->buf, this.mblock )
327       i = ( val.ptr() + 4 )->uint
328       val->buf.del( 0, 8 )
329       if i > this.mblock
330       {
331          if this.dbtfile.read( val->buf, i - this.mblock ) != i - this.mblock
332          {
333             return this.error( $ERRDBT_READ )
334          }
335       }
336       i -= 8
337    }  
338    val->buf[i] = 0
339    val.setlenptr()
340    return 1
341 }
343 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 * Id: dbf_fw_str F2
345 * 
346 * Summary: Writing a value. Write a value into the specified field of 
347            the current record.  
348 *  
349 * Params:  val - The string being written.  
350            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
351 *
352 * Return: #lng/retf#
353 *
354 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
356 method  uint dbf.fw_str( str val, uint num )
357 {
358    fordata fd 
359    if this.eof( fd ) : return this.error( $ERRDBF_EOF )
361    uint  width = this.f_width( num )
363    if *val > width 
364    {
365       return this.error( $ERRDBF_FOVER )            
366    }
368    uint  pos = this.head.header_len + 
369                      this.cur * this.head.record_width + this.f_offset( num )
370    uint  off = this.ptr + this.f_offset( num ) - this.page.data
372    if this.f_type( num ) == $DBFF_CHAR
373    {
374       val.fillspacer( width )
375    }
376    else : val.fillspacel( width )
378    mcopy( this.page.ptr() + off, val.ptr(), width )   
379    //if !this.page.write( this.dbffile, pos, off, width )
380    if !this.dbffile.writepos( pos, this.page.ptr() + off, width )
381    {
382       return this.error( $ERRDBF_WRITE )
383    }
384    if this.getdate()
385    {
386       uint size
388       /*setpos( this.dbffile, 1, $FILE_BEGIN )
389       // Записываем дату и количество записей
390       WriteFile( this.dbffile, &this.head.yy, 3, &size, 0 )*/
391       this.dbffile.writepos( pos, &this.head.yy, 3 ) 
392    }
393    return 1
394 }
396 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
397 * Id: dbf_fw_logic F2
398 * 
399 * Summary: Writing a logical value. Write a logical value into the specified
400            field of the current record.
401 *  
402 * Params:  val - Number 1 or 0.  
403            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
404 *
405 * Return: #lng/retf#
406 *
407 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
409 method  uint dbf.fw_logic( uint val, uint num )
410 {
411    return this.fw_str( ?( val, "T", "F" ), num  )
412 }
414 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
415 * Id: dbf_fw_date F2
416 * 
417 * Summary: Writing a date. Write a date into the specified field of the 
418            current record.
419 *  
420 * Params:  dt - The structure #a(tdatetime) containing the date.  
421            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
422 *
423 * Return: #lng/retf#
424 *
425 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
427 method  uint dbf.fw_date( datetime dt, uint num )
428 {
429    str val 
431    val += dt.year
432    //int2str( val, "%02i", dt.month )
433    //int2str( val, "%02i", dt.day )
434    val.out4( "%02i", dt.month )
435    val.out4( "%02i", dt.day )
436    return this.fw_str(  val, num  )
437 }
439 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
440 * Id: dbf_fw_double F2
441 * 
442 * Summary: Writing a numerical value. Write a numerical value into the 
443            specified field of the current record.
444 *  
445 * Params:  dval - The number being written.  
446            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
447 *
448 * Return: #lng/retf#
449 *
450 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
452 method  uint dbf.fw_double( double dval, uint num )
453 {
454    str   val
455    uint  width = this.f_width( num )
457    //double2str( val, "%\(width).\(this.f_decimal( num ))f", dval )
458    val.out8( "%\(width).\(this.f_decimal( num ))f", (&dval)->ulong )
460    return this.fw_str(  val, num  )
461 }
463 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
464 * Id: dbf_fw_int F2
465 * 
466 * Summary: Writing an integer value. Write a value of the int type into 
467            the specified field of the current record. 
468 *  
469 * Params:  ival - The number being written.  
470            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
471 *
472 * Return: #lng/retf#
473 *
474 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
476 method  uint dbf.fw_int( int ival, uint num )
477 {
478    str   val
479    uint  width = this.f_decimal( num )
481    val += ival
482    if width
483    {
484       val.appendch( '.' )
485       val.fill( "0", width, 0 )
486    }
487    return this.fw_str(  val, num  )
488 }
490 /*method  uint dbf.fw_int( uint ival, uint num )
491 {
492    return this.fw_int( int( ival ), num  )
493 }*/
495 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
496 ** Id: dbf_fw_memo F2
497 * 
498 * Summary: Writing a value into a memo field. Write a value into the 
499            specified memo field of the current record.  
500 *  
501 * Params:  val - The string being written.  
502            num - Field number beginning with 1.  
503 *
504 * Return: #lng/retf#
505 *
506 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
508 method uint dbf.fw_memo( str val, uint num )
509 {
510    uint  size
511    uint  idmem iread fsize vlen
512    str   cur
514    subfunc uint reqblock( uint rsize )
515    {
516       rsize += ?( this.head.version == 0x83, 2, 8 )
517       return rsize / this.mblock + ?( rsize % this.mblock, 1, 0 )
518    }
520    if  this.f_type( num ) != $DBFF_MEMO : return this.error( $ERRDBF_TYPE )
521    this.f_memo( cur, num )      
523    if *cur && reqblock( *cur ) >= reqblock( *val )
524    { 
525       // Записываем поверх старого
526       this.dbtfile.setpos( this.f_int( num ) * this.mblock, $FILE_BEGIN )
527       if this.head.version == 0x8B &&        
528                //!'ff ff 08 00 \i4 \( *val + 8 )'.write( this.dbtfile )
529                !this.dbtfile.write( 'ff ff 08 00 \i4 \( *val + 8 )' )
531       {
532          return this.error( $ERRDBT_WRITE )
533       }
535       if !this.dbtfile.write( val ) : return this.error( $ERRDBT_WRITE )
537       if this.head.version == 0x83 && //!'1a 1a'.write( this.dbtfile )
538          !this.dbtfile.write( '1a 1a' )
539       {
540          return this.error( $ERRDBT_WRITE )
541       }
542       return 1
543    }
544    // Записываем в новом месте
545    this.dbtfile.setpos( 0, $FILE_BEGIN )
546    //ReadFile( this.dbtfile, &idmem, 4, &iread, 0 )
547    this.dbtfile.read( &idmem, 4 )
548    fsize = this.dbtfile.getsize( )
549    this.dbtfile.setpos( 0, $FILE_END )
550    if !idmem : idmem = 1
552    if idmem * this.mblock > fsize
553    {
554       // Заполняем до начала записи недостающим размером
555       cur.clear()
556       cur.fill( "\01A", idmem * this.mblock - fsize, $FILL_LEN )
557       if !this.dbtfile.write( cur ) 
558       {
559          return this.error( $ERRDBT_WRITE )
560       }
561    }            
562    if this.head.version == 0x83
563    {
564       vlen = *val
565       val.fill( "\01A", reqblock( vlen ) * this.mblock, $FILL_LEN )
566    }
567    else    // dBase IV
568    {
569       //if //! 'ff ff 08 00 \i4 \( *val + 8 )'.write( this.dbtfile )
570       if !this.dbtfile.write( 'ff ff 08 00 \i4 \( *val + 8 )' )
571       {
572          return this.error( $ERRDBT_WRITE )
573       }
574    }
576    if !this.dbtfile.write( val ) 
577    {
578       return this.error( $ERRDBT_WRITE )
579    }
580    if this.head.version == 0x83 : val.setlen( vlen )
582    size = reqblock( this.dbtfile.getsize( ) )
583    this.dbtfile.setpos( 0, $FILE_BEGIN )   
584    //WriteFile( this.dbtfile, &size, 4, &iread, 0 )
585    this.dbtfile.write( &size, 4 )
587    return this.fw_int( idmem, num )
588 }