The Gentee language has several numeric types. There are several ways to specify natural numbers or integers.
Decimal form
The most widely used form.Example: 65, -45367, 0
Hexadecimal form
Numbers must begin with 0X or 0x. Characters from A to F can be used in upper or lower case.Example: 0xВA23, 0x1d2f, 0XFFFFFF
Binary form
Numbers in binary form must begin with 0b or 0B and consist only of 0 or 1.Example: 0b11001, 0B1010110110, 0b10101011000011
Character code
You can specify a specific character instead of the number corresponding to it, by enclosing the character in single quotation marks.Example: 'A', '(', 'k', '2', '='
Gentee also has types called long and ulong. Each type occupies 8 bytes. To define such numbers, add L or l at the end.
Example: 23l, 0xfaafd45fff67fffL, -24363627252652L
Real numbers
There are two types of real numbers: double and float. A number with a decimal point or with a mantissa is of the double type. To define a number of the float type, you should add F or f at the end. To specify a number of the double type without a decimal point and a mantissa, you should add D or d at the end.
Examples of double numbers: 123.122, -123.2е-2, 789D
Examples of float numbers: 12.75f, 0.55F, -78F