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return, break, continue Instructions

The return instruction is used either to return a function value or to terminate the execution of a function. The exit may be from anywhere within the function body, including loops or nested blocks. If the function returns a value, the return instruction is required, furthermore it contains the expression of the appropriate type.

<return> ::= return [<expression>]

fornum i, 100
if error
return 0 // terminating the execution of the function
return a + b

The break instruction terminates the execution of the loop. break is likely to be located within nested blocks. If a program contains several nested loops, break will exit the current loop.

while b > c
for i = 100, i > 0, i--
if !myfunc( i )
break //terminating the execution of for loop

The continue instruction may occur within loops and attempts to transfer control to the loop expression, which is used to increment or decrement the counter (for the following loops: for, fornum, foreach) or to the conditional expression (for while and do-while loops); moreover, the execution of the loop body is not completely executed. The instruction executes only the most tightly enclosing loop, if this loop is nested.

fornum i, 100
if i > 10 && i < 20
a += i//The given expression is not evaluated if i>10 and i<20

See also

    while, do-while Statement    for and fornum Statements    foreach Loop Statement

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